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Name : Drazul De Lorca

Age : Appears to be seen as 22.

Species : Incubus Demon/Djinn locked within a Doll shell.

Family : None as we know but a contracted doll to the Devereaux Family.

Rank : The Royal Butler

Items : An Enchanted Cane that Conceals a Blade. He safe keeps a pocket watch in his coat.

Abilities : Poisonous/Decaying touch, Their poison causes hallucinations that can be controlled. Cannot be effected if wearing gloves, In large doses, it can cause death. Can read a person's mind to learn their deepest desires. Being blind also allows him to see things differently in astral projections, and to 'see' the outline of things and what not the mere physical eye can. This doll shell of his restricts certain abilities and their limits, he can only use so much but a small amount while he still struggles with his abilities.

Feeds : On human blood, the emotion of fear rather than happiness, little animals, babies, and most definitely chocolates.

History : -Pending-

Appearance : Humanoid with Tattooed & pale Skin,Glowing Eyes and Hands [the inner palms], black long hair, he wears what a butler should accordingly.

Personality : He's quiet majority of the time. A bit open minded. just your average butler should be. He is a bit conflicted with himself being both a Incubus demon and a Djinn. He explores new ways to use his abilities at its best but has trouble as was said in the Abilities. He tends to lose his sense in reality and becomes insane the moment he places a chocolate in his mouth. Chocolate is like his simulate drug, his crack, his Ecstasy. He enjoys being a butler at times but wonders what is beyond the castle walls and town.

Role Play Character:

Welcome to

My Domain.

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